If you have ever tried to clean a driveway, patio, siding or roof by hand, you know how difficult and time-consuming the task can be. Even if you’ve got a lot of time on your hands and you generally enjoy cleaning, you will likely find that a handwashing simply is not enough to cut through all the
What You Need To Know Before Powerwashing
Many people depend on the rain to wash dirt and grime away from their property, but there may come a time when stubborn dirt and grime build up and even the heaviest rains won’t make a difference. Whether you are dealing with stuck-on mud, slippery moss, oily grime or damaging salt, powerwashing can
What Is Powerwashing?
Your property is exposed to dirt, dust, ultraviolet rays, insects, mold and other contaminants all day and night, every day of the year. The buildup this can cause on your siding, driveway and roof can be significant. Thankfully, regular powerwashing can go a long way toward keeping every surface of
Benefits Of Powerwashing Your Home
Many homeowners understand the importance of keeping their house clean and establish a routine of mopping, vacuuming and dusting regularly. However, the exterior of your home deserves just as much attention. Although you may not need to clean the exterior of your home nearly as often as the inside,
Benefits Of Waterproofing Your Home
Water can be a homeowner’s biggest nightmare. Unfortunately, most basements will suffer from water damage at some point in their lifetime, and the problems it causes can be difficult and costly to correct. While many people tend to think that it takes a significant flood to cause problems, even a
What Areas Of My House Should I Waterproof?
When it comes to home maintenance, the most visible problems tend to get the most attention, like peeling paint or broken tiles. However, there are some problems that are far easier to address before they become noticeable, and water damage is at the top of the list. If your home has never been
Tips For Waterproofing Your Basement
Every area of your home is vulnerable to water damage, but basements are particularly susceptible because they are built below the ground. Although builders will take some steps to waterproof a basement during the construction of the home, houses settle over time, which can lead to cracks in
What Not To Do When Waterproofing Your Basement
Some of the hardest home improvements to see can have the biggest impact on your home’s safety and durability, and basement waterproofing is a perfect example. Basements are highly susceptible to water damage because they are built below grade. Whether you are finding some mildew and wet walls in